Know Your Milk
Milk is almost a complete food, with a very high nutritive value. It provides body building proteins, energy giving lactose and milk fat, bone-forming minerals and health giving vitamins. All these nutrients are present in an easily digestible and assimilable form in milk and is therefore a very important food, especially for children. It is also important for the elderly, the sick or the pregnant women.
Milk comprises of water, fat and solid-not-fat (SNF). Milk is nutritionally balanced when fat and SNF are in the right proportions. SNF is made up of proteins, lactose and minerals. Normal cow milk contains about 4% fat and 8.5% SNF while buffalo milk contains about 7% fat and 9% SNF.
Of the average daily human requirements, a glass of milk (about 200ml) provides:
16% protein, 30% calcium, 11% Potassium, 20% Riboflavin, 13% Vitamin, B-12 and 25% vitaminD.
To Do:
- Keep the milk in Refrigerators until you use.
- Wash the milk packet in clean water before using the milk.
- Get out the milk from the Refrigerator 30 minutes before of its use.
- A clean separate utensil is to be used to heat milk.
- Too much of boiling is not required, as the milk has already been pasteurized.
- If you have no refrigerator, heat the milk, keep this utensil in another utensil having cold water and keep it aside. It is better if you heat the milk once in every 6-7 hours.
- Milk is supplied twice a day; buy it only when you need it.
- Boil the milk immediately after you get it from the agent. If you make delay themilk is exposed to the heat. The bacteria soon to spoil the milk.
Not To Do:
- Forget to keep the milk in refrigerator or keeping it after hours of purchase.
- Using the milk utensils for other purposes.
- Pouring the milk to the utensil without washing the milk packet in pure water.
- Boiling the milk in high flames immediately after getting it out from the refrigerator.
- Boiling the milk for too long so that the proteins in milk will be lost.
- Keeping the milk packets exposing to the direct rays of the sun.