Emergency Service
Union is providing Emergency Visit Service from the sub center at each Taluks level. As on today it is operating about 30 Emergency Visit route vehicles (which include Animal Health Camp routes too) in the entire district .
Animal Health Camp
In order to improve and maintain the health of Cattle Union is conducting health camps. Health camps are conducted at every AI center once in 3 Months and at non AI centers once in 6 months. In this camps general cases, Repeat breeder cases and infertility cases are attended.
Artificial Insemination Centers
Union is operating two kinds of Artificial Insemination (AI) centers namely, the Single AI centers and Cluster AI centers. In single AI center concept the trained staff of the DCS – usually the resident of same village, is carrying out this service so that the facility is made available round the clock as and when the animal reported to be in heat. The cluster AI center is the concept where in which a string of Non-AI centers will be attached to one AI center and a trained Inseminator with a mobile (Moped) facility, discharges his service at the doorsteps of member producers.
First & Aid Centers
Union is supplying few selected drugs related to First-Aid therapy to majority of its DCS. Suitably trained First-Aid worker, usually the resident of same village where DCS is located will be appointed to take up initial treatment till such time, the emergency service of a qualified Veterinarian is made available.
Vaccination Program
It is also rewarding that the Union has taken up mass vaccination Programme against Foot & Mouth Disease (FMD) and Theileriosis to prevent its periodical outbreaks. Every year these vaccination programmes are being carried out at regular intervals during the months of October and November against FMD and during December against Theileriosis. Under the project BBPCP, the Union is also undertaking vaccination Programme against Brucellosis, in Dairy Co-operative Societies, which are found positive for Brucellosis.
Mastitis Control Program
Based on our statistics more than 30% of the cases we treat in the field are belonging to Mastitis. So, the Union has taken up Mastitis Control Programme in which each member producer has to buy one bottle of Dipal solution and a Dip-cup specially designed for dipping teats. The member producers are also being supplied with booklets containing strips of pH paper called Mastect with the help of which one can detect Mastitis at an early stage of infection.
Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory
This laboratory has facilities to undertake routine Hematological, Parasitological, Bacteriological, Screening of animals in addition to examination of Dung samples for Parasitic ova, Skin scraping for external parasites and Anti-Biotic Sensitivity Test against infectious agents causing Mastitis, Metritis etc.,
Feed & Fodder Activities
In order to improve milk production, the Union is also paying maximum attention towards the management and feeding conditions of dairy animals. The balanced Cattle feed procured from Federation’s Rajanakunte Feed Plant is being sold to DCS on credit basis and the amount is being recovered from milk bills on monthly basis.
For cultivation of fodder, the Union is also supplying Legume seeds and Non-Legume root slips to its member producers at 100% & 75% subsidy respectively. Seeds related to seasonal crops such as Maize, African tall grass and Sorghum Sudan multicast variety are also being supplied for fodder cultivation purpose.